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Bluetooth Serial Adaptor for eTracer

  • Availability:7/07/2025
Price breaks
  • Qty 1+ : $39.27
  •   5+ : $36.50
  •   10+ : $35.26
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[T:Description] The Bluetooth Serial Adaptor for eTracer is the perfect solution for those who need a reliable way to monitor, control, and set parameters for their eTracer MPPT solar controller and inverter. This adaptor uses high-performance and ultra-low power consumption Bluetooth dedicated chip, Bluetooth 4.0 and BLE technology to guarantee fast and strong anti-interference ability communication. [BR] [BR] It is conveniently plug-and-play and requires no external power supply supporting up to a 10M communication distance. This adaptor gives users the ability to via an iOS or Android app via Bluetooth, making it highly versatile and perfect for solar charging, solar installations, energy management, and solar battery charging. [BR] [BR] Get the Bluetooth Serial Adaptor for eTracer today and take control of your energy needs. [T:Uses] [UL]- Solar Charging - Solar Installation - Energy Management - Solar Battery Charging[/UL]

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