Ivent COVID-19 Response - Essential Business
admin 16/02/2021 7:39:33 AM

To our valued customers and partners
Ivent Operations
The team at Ivent would like to provide an update on our COVID-19 response given the latest Level 3 lockdown now in force in the Auckland area.
Ivent is classified as an essential business and as such will be continuing to operate as normal. As the COVID-19 alert level has now moved to “Level 3” the bulk of our team are now working from home. Sales, customer service, engineering and logistics are all operational at home as of this morning. Our normal main phone numbers, DDI numbers and mobile numbers are all active so please contact us as you would normally.
Our warehouse and factory is operational with all staff operating on site at Ivent. Inwards and outwards shipments will also continue as normal. If your business has any specific requirements during this lockdown period please contact your Customer Service Representative or Account Manager at Ivent.
Supply Chain
We are in close contact with our global supply chain partners and freight forwarders to ensure we mitigate any threats relating to the supply of product and services to our customers. We have been actively monitoring the situation for the last 12 months and will continue to update you as information comes to hand or any threats are identified. Shipping lines remain very busy, and leadtimes will continue to increase, however these influences were present prior to the current lockdown. With Chinese New Year well underway in Asia at present, hopefully the current lockdown is reasonably well timed, especially if it only lasts 3-7 days as is being suggested.
Confidence in Ivent Solutions
Rest assured our business operation is strong, stable and secure. We are well equipped to continue business over the coming weeks no matter how challenging this new lockdown becomes. Significant investment and resource has been committed within the business to ensure full remote connectivity for all staff in both our IT and communications infrastructure. Doing business in these times is a little different to what we are all used to, but we can be just as effective and efficient.
When further information is released by the government over the coming days we will update you further as to our response plan moving forward.
Finally, please take care of yourselves and your loved ones in the coming days and weeks.